School Resources

From K-12 to colleges and universities, students in school are not exempt from experiencing hate. Below are resources and information on how parents, students, teachers, and administrators can respond to hate at schools and on college campuses. Below you will find resources to combat hate in the various forms it may arise in K-12 schools and college campuses. Do you have an idea for a resource that could be helpful? Let us know! E-mail

Campus Hate and Bias: Survey and Toolkit

The James Byrd Jr. Center to Stop Hate and Fund for Leadership, Equity, Access and Diversity (LEAD Fund) partnered to conduct a study on hate and bias incidents on college campuses. The study included a survey of university equal opportunity professionals and listening sessions that informed a toolkit providing strategies for creating more inclusive campuses. Learn more here.

Stop Hate Action Toolkit: K-12 Schools Response to Hate

The James Byrd Jr. Center to Stop Hate partnered with Not In Our Town to launch a series of action toolkits that provide specific steps that K-12 schools can take to combat hate. Click here to learn more. 

Stop Hate Action Toolkit: Campus Response to Hate

The James Byrd Jr. Center to Stop Hate and Not In Our Town partnered to launch a series of action toolkits that provide specific steps college campuses can take to combat hate. Click here to learn more.

Bullying Prevention Portal

For children, hate can often come in the form of bullying. Children can experience bullying online, in school hallways, lunchrooms and on their commute to school. The Lawyers’ Commitee’s Parental Readiness and Empowerment Program: PREP and the James Byrd Jr. Center to Stop Hate partnered to provide resources for students, parents, and educators to combat hate and bullying in schools. For resources on preventing and responding to bullying in schools:

Schools Standing Up to Hate

The Lawyers’ Committee and Not In Our Town partnered to create a pamphlet for k-12 schools with information on preventing and responding to bullying, intolerance, and hate in schools. For hard copies of the pamphlet e-mail NoHate@lawyerscommittee.orgDownload: Schools Standing Up to Hate.      

Right to Public Schools

Under federal law, all students, have the right to enroll in public school, regardless of their immigration status or the immigration status of their parents or guardians.  According to the United States Supreme Court case Plyler v. Doe, a state may not deny access to a public education to any child residing in the state, whether or not the child is legally in the United States. To deny a child an education based on immigration status would violate the Equal Protection Clause of the United States Constitution. Schools cannot deny or discourage students from attending school based on citizenship or immigration status.

Hate Crimes? Youth Decide.

The Colorado Lawyers Committee in partnership with James Byrd Jr. Center to Stop Hate of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law created “Hate Crimes? Youth Decide.” This course  offers an interactive presentation for local schools and community groups. The course includes mock trial scripts, manuals for educators or community organizers, and supplemental surveys that teaches small groups how to navigate the realities of a hate crime. These materials will promote the discussion of diversity and inclusion by seeking to prevent the spread of community division, racial slurs, and hateful actions. Click here to learn more.

Reporting Hate on College Campuses

If you experience or witness hate on your college campus, there are additional avenues to report the incident to your school’s administration. While each campus is unique, there are general steps that you can take if you wish to report an incident. Download: How to Report Hate on Campus.