Community Response Toolkit: When Hate Groups Come to Town



Organizing at the grassroots level and on social media, hate groups have taken to recruiting on college campuses, and hosting coordinated rallies and protests across the country. These rallies promote messages of hate and exclusion that are aimed at provoking fear and violence.

While front-line impacted communities have been forced to confront the impacts of everyday hate paired with tragedy after tragedy, we have seen a remarkable response to this increase in hate—the mobilization and outpouring of support from communities across diverse societies.

This resource kit provides information on how communities can respond when hate groups host rallies in their towns, and leaflet their campus or neighborhood.

It provides an overview of hate crime laws, background information on hate groups and First Amendment protected speech, as well as action items for concerned citizens and the steps an individual or institution should take if they experience hate. Whether it is holding a unity rally, reaching out to public officials, or contacting leaders from communities targeted by hate to show support, every person can help combat hate.

This toolkit was created in June 2017.