Although the internet has connected people and created new communities, it has also given new tools to those who want to hatefully threaten, defame, or attack people different from themselves. White supremacists and other organizations engaged in these sorts of hateful activities use social media and other major tech platforms to mobilize, fundraise, and normalize racism, sexism, bigotry, and xenophobia. In the past few years, hate activity online has grown significantly as the “alt-right” emerged from the shadows. While most tech
Kristen Clarke, president and executive director of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, issued the following statement in response to recent reports that the Trump administration is seeking to establish a narrow definition of sex under Title IX of Education Amendments of 1972 that would exclude transgender people – as well as excluding non-binary, gender-fluid, ace, and other people from important civil rights protections that prevent discrimination on the basis of sex.
On September 20, 2018, Dariely Rodriguez, Director of the Economic Justice Project and Arusha Gordon, Counsel with the Stop Hate Project joined Business Forward to discuss how to recognize and respond to discrimination in the workplace. Dariely Rodriguez and Arusha Gordon on Recognizing and Responding to Discrimination in the Workplace from Business Forward on Vimeo.
Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and Not In Our Town Launch Stop Hate Action Kits to Help Communities and Schools Respond to Hate and Bias Incidents FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SEPTEMBER 26, 2018 WASHINGTON, D.C. – In response to the dangerous rise in bias incidents and hate violence, the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law (Lawyers’ Committee) and Not In Our Town (NIOT) joined together to launch online guides for local communities to stand against hate and take positive, ongoing action to
The Stop Hate Project was launched in March 2017 to help combat the surge in hate crimes by strengthening the capacity of communities to combat hate. We do so by connecting individuals and organizations with resources in their local communities and develop content to fill identified resource gaps. Below are some of our most frequently used resources that were developed to assist individuals and organizations who are confronted by hate. “Targeted by hate?” is a
By Sarah Decker Sarah Decker is a legal intern with the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. She is a rising 2L at Georgetown University Law Center, and a recent graduate of Bucknell University, where she received a BA in International Relations, Philosophy, and Arabic. if (window.addEventListener){ window.addEventListener("message", function(event) { if( >= 22) { if(, 22) == "__MM-LOCATION.REDIRECT") location =; } }, false); } else
By Briana Clark On June 27, 2018, Justice Kennedy, a crucial swing vote in numerous civil rights cases, announced his retirement from the Supreme Court. Justice Kennedy’s retirement placed many people in fear that several important rights and privileges afforded to underrepresented communities will begin to be curtailed. Because the decisions of the Supreme Court—and in many cases the decision of one swing vote, often Justice Kennedy— undoubtedly and pervasively impact the livelihood and rights of millions of people, it is
By: Alex Ruf Every month the Stop Hate Project lists one action item that individuals can do to combat hate and strengthen their communities. In an already divisive and inflammatory climate, June has been a particularly challenging month. With a series of disappointing Supreme Court decisions, we are reminded that the fight for justice is far from over. As movements grow in support of marginalized communities and against policies that further alienate and harm communities, we have compiled a list of movies
By Troy Brunson and Sherrod Smith The immeasurable trauma inflicted by a hate crime transcends any single victim and her friends and family. Hate crimes target entire communities and tear at the social fabric of our society. If not dealt with adequately and fairly, a hate crime can isolate communities, sow distrust amongst residents and neighbors, and foster animosity and fear of the public institutions that are charged with upholding public safety. Community leaders can help offset these deleterious consequences by
The Stop Hate Project hosts trainings on hate crimes for community members, attorneys, and law enforcement officers and prosecutors. These trainings are a key part of our misson to strengthen the capacity of communities to combat hate, and one that we hope will contribute to long-term, sustainable change towards improved responses to hate crimes. Each training is catered to the specific audience as outlined below. Community trainings are trainings to inform community members on hate crime laws, relevant statutes, and what