In response to hate crimes and hate incidents, the Lawyers’ Committee and the IACP (International Association of Chiefs of Police) partnered to launch the Enhancing the Response to Hate Crimes Advisory Committee. This expert committee convened leaders in law enforcement, civil rights, and academia for a series of comprehensive discussions examining promising practices for response to hate crimes, as well as how these practices shape community-police relations.
The advisory committee led a collaborative effort to help stakeholders develop specific strategies to enhance their response to hate crimes and hate incidents. As the discussions progressed, the committee members identified five critical issues that are imperative to enhancing hate crimes response practices, as well as an action agenda for community organizations and law enforcement to address each critical issue. The action agenda has three categories of action items—actions that community leaders, civil rights organizations, and law enforcement can take, together, to address these critical issues; actions that community and civil rights organizations can take to proactively engage law enforcement and other stakeholders in combating hate; and actions that law enforcement can take to effectively engage with vulnerable communities, including actions before, during, and after a crisis event.
Click here to read the full report.
We would like to thank:
The survivors of hate crimes and family members of victims who courageously shared their stories and who continue to inspire us with their strength and resiliency.
Our facilitator, Karol Mason, President of John Jay College of Criminal Justice, and the John Jay students that participated in the Advisory Committee meetings.
Our partners at the International Association of Chiefs of Police, including John Firman, Emily Kuhn, and Marc Partee.
Becky Monroe, Myesha Braden, Sherrod Smith, Gabbrielle Gray, Justin Kwasa, Jennifer Nwachukwu and all of the Stop Hate team members for their contributions to this partnership and report.