“I Am Stronger Than Hate” Artwork

By Nazia Mian

As part of our Bullying Prevent Month of Action in October, the Lawyers’ Committee launched the National “I Am Stronger Than Hate” Art Competition for children in K-12 schools across the country. School children submitted original drawings that demonstrate how they are stronger than hate.

Discussions about bullying, hate, and intolerance can be difficult. Having children use their creativity to express how they are stronger than hate is just one example of how parents and teachers can start the conversation — and as the artwork we received demonstrates, it is a great way for children to express themselves.

We received amazing artwork from across the country. Student submissions ranged from demonstrating inclusivity and playing with students of different backgrounds on the playground, to offering to help someone in need, and standing up for someone who was being bullied. The drawings displayed examples of ways to combat hate, intolerance and bullying.

We are pleased to showcase the first place artwork below, drawn by a talented 7 year old from Oregon. The caption reads, “I drew kids all around the world that are stronger than hate. We are different but together we are stronger than hate. Be kind to others, be safe to others.”

First Place Winner of the National “I Am Stronger Than Hate” Art Competition


Below is a sampling of additional artwork submissions that the Stop Hate Project received. For resources on bullying prevention, visit www.8449nohate.org/bullying.

“She dropped her ice cream, so I offered her mine.”
Welcoming a new student to class.
Helping each other.


Playing together.



Nazia Mian is a full time intern with the Stop Hate Project at the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. She is currently a senior at University at Albany SUNY majoring in Political Science with a minor in Globalization Studies.