


The Stop Hate Project offers a resource and reporting hotline for hate incidents. Individuals and organizations who experience or witness hate may call the hotline to report an incident and obtain the resources they need to combat hate in their community.

Resource Map

Our resource map is coming soon. This map will include community organizations across the country that individuals targeted by hate my contact for support and resources.

Targeted By Hate?

Many may not know if they have experienced a hate incident or hate crime. This section provides information on what constitutes a hate incident and hate crime, as well as what steps an individual should take if they have been targeted by hate.

Community Resources

Hate only wins when it divides us. When an individual is victimized by hate, it impacts entire communities. A powerful response to hate is demonstrating community values of strength, unity, and inclusion. This section provides information on how community members can respond to hate activity in their town.


From K-12 to colleges and universities, students in school are not exempt from experiencing hate. This section provides information on how parents, students, teachers, and administrators can respond to hate at schools and on campus.

Law Enforcement

Similar to all issues of public safety, law enforcement plays an integral role in addressing hate.  This section provides information on how community members and law enforcement can partner to improve the response to hate.